Premium Management

Industry Rating & Premium Review

All businesses are different, let us review your rating & subsequent premium to ensure you’re not paying more than you need too.

Policy Placement

The main difference between Privately Underwritten schemes and Government Underwritten schemes is that in privately underwritten schemes, policies last for an agreed period of time and premiums can be negotiated with insurers.

Government Underwritten schemes: Privately Underwritten schemes:
New South Wales ACT
Queensland Northern Territory
South Australia Tasmania
Victoria Western Australia

Premium Forecasting

Workplace injuries can cause uncertainty when it comes to the calculation of your premium.

Let us assist you with your cash flow to ensure you don’t have any surprises when the insurer invoice arrives.

Burning Cost Assessment

Depending upon which state you operate your business, if you are large enough there are different premium models available (at your choice).

We can assist with real life examples to ensure you’re in a position to make the best decision for your business.

For more information and individualised attention, contact us now.